It seems that the more life goes on, the busier and busier you get. Choosing to have a portrait session can add not only scheduling issues, but can be a bit stressful. That is why I have created the Top 10 Mini Session Essential Tips to help take some of that stress away so you can feel ready to have an enjoyable time with your family during your session.
01- Best Time
The perfect time for you to schedule your session is, of course, when it is best for your family. If you have little ones who nap at 10 am, then scheduling the session at 10 am might not be a good idea as it could add stress and make the little ones unhappy. If that isn't something you need to worry about, then the next thing to think about is the light you'll get at the time you have your session. The best times for golden warm light is within an hour or 2 before sunset or morning light before 10 am.
02 - Pack Water & Snacks
I always suggest eating before a session so no one is hungry, but sometimes it can be a good idea to bring a snack in case little ones can't wait for the next mealtime. Water is always a great idea especially on hot days and living in Southern California means that even during the fall and winter you can have some pretty warm days!
03- Comfort Is Key
Mini sessions might have a little bit of walking (not too much, but some) to get to some ideal spots. Locations can have dirt paths so if someone is planning to wear high heels, bring walking shoes and put the high heels on when you get to each spot. You want to be comfortable in your clothes so wear clothing that you feel good in, because if you don't, it will show on your face and in your body language.

04 - Complementary Outfits
When choosing your outfits for your session you want to make sure that everyone's outfits complement each other. You don't need to match, but choosing a color theme (3-4 colors) keeps everyone looking cohesive.
05- Accessorize
Accessories are a great way to show everyone's personality whether it is with shoes, scarves, hats, and jewelry. This is also a great way to add the pop of color and texture to each outfit that fits with the color theme you chose. Layers are always a great way to bring in those fun accessories.
06 - Plan Ahead
The day before your photoshoot, you want to make sure that everyone has their outfits picked out. Once you have the clothes chosen, lay them all out together. This will help you see if you need to change something or get them cleaned first and ready for session day.
07 - Hair And Makeup
Plan hair cuts or hair do's at least a week before the session. Having a fresh hair cut the day of the photoshoot can show redness on men's hairlines or other irritations you weren't anticipating. Maybe the hairdresser cut it too short and you don't like your hairstyle. Having a week to sort that out is always a good idea. Don't forget your makeup too. Make sure you bring items that are able to be touched up and/or put on right before the session.

08 - Bringing Your Pet?
I love when families bring their fur babies, but they can be a handful. Bring a person who will not be photographed and have them on pet duty. They can watch the animal while your family gets some images without your fur baby. Also, bring a toy and snacks to help get their attention.
09 - Just Be You
Everyone has their own unique style and it is OK to choose an outfit that expresses who you are! With tips 4 and 5, you should be able to put together an outfit that expresses who you are and that goes with being a smiley person or not. My job as a photographer is to bring out you and the unique people in your family!
10 - Relax And Have Fun!
I know that relaxing and having fun should be a no brainer, but sometimes preparing for a photoshoot can get stressful. This stress can cause different emotions to rage before the session, but that's natural and normal. I won't lie, there may be meltdowns, unhappy teens or run away littles, but that is ok. Your photographer should know how to handle it kindly and professionally to help ease tension and make it fun for everyone. Embrace every moment in every stage of your family's lives before those moments disappear.
